I apologize for not posting for so long! This is our little L, born in February. :) She is almost six months old now, which is hard to believe. It would be impossible to sum up the trials and joys of our first six months with her in less than a page - so I will just say, it has been both difficult and amazing. She has a big personality for such a little baby.
I will be going back to school full-time in August. I have very mixed feelings about this. I long for the intellectual stimulation of research, but also feel sad that I won't have my baby by my side all day. We will see how it goes. I have promised my husband that I will finish out the fall semester and then decide where we should go from there. I think I owe myself and my work that much at least.
Hopefully you will see more posts from me as I get back on campus and get ready to comment on whatever the latest campus scandal happens to be ;). Motherhood has had the wonderful effect of making me oblivious to both Church and national politics. I didn't realize how much until I had some friends over and we got into a huge political discussion in which I was unusually out of my depth. (Debt ceiling? I'm more concerned about introducing solid foods.) I think I'm almost ready to jump back in to the wonderful bundle of contradictions that is the University of Notre Dame. I see from my blogroll that I haven't been the only one long absent. I hope some of you are still around and reading my musings.
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